What Grades Are Middle School?

Middle school (also called junior high) in the United States are grades six, seven, and eight. However, some school districts may define middle school as grades seven and eight only.  Students in middle school range in age from 11 to 14 years of age.

Take a look at the table I created below where I list each middle school grade level with the corresponding student ages.

Middle School GradeAge
6th grade11-12 years
7th grade12-13 years
8th grade13-14 years
Table showing the middle school grades and corresponding ages

What Is Before Middle School?

Before middle school is elementary school which are grades kindergarten to fifth grade, sometimes sixth grade too.

In many school districts it is common for student to attend a separate elementary school before going to a middle school building for middle school students only.

This is not always the case as many private schools and even some public schools will have elementary grades and middle school grades in the same building.

What is After Middle School?

After middle school students move on to high school.

High school are grades 9 to 12.

If you want to know more specifics about high school then you have to read this article I wrote recently.

Students in high school range in age from 14 to 18 years.

High school is also usually a separate building from elementary and middle school students.


I (Allen) am currently teaching at a public school in a western suburb of Chicago. My teaching career started in 2004. Some of my interests outside of teaching is being with my family, biking, playing video games, travelling, and making the Teacher Adviser website.

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