School Attendance is Important

School attendance is not merely a matter of fulfilling a requirement; it has greater implications. In this article, we will look at the importance of regular school attendance and its impact on students, communities, and society at large.

Academic Achievement

Regular attendance is strongly correlated with academic success.

Any teacher, including myself, will tell you that students who don’t attend school consistently usually struggle with their grades.

Whereas students who attend school consistently are more likely to perform well on assessments, complete assignments on time, and in general have more class time to learn.

Missing school can lead to gaps in learning, making it challenging for students to keep up with their peers and meeting learning targets.

Not attending school is often an indicator of bigger problems that are going on in their life.

Building Routine and Discipline

Attending school regularly instills important life skills such as punctuality, time management, and discipline.

Consistent attendance establishes a routine that helps students develop healthy habits, setting the stage for success in both academic and work environments.

I often tell my eighth grade students that they are developing habits for high school, some habits are good and some are bad.

Social and Emotional Development

School provides an environment for social interaction and emotional growth as well as academic learning.

 Regular attendance allows students to form friendships, collaborate with peers, and develop crucial interpersonal skills.

Absenteeism can contribute to feelings of isolation, hindering a student’s ability to connect with others and develop a sense of belonging within the school community.

School is a place where they can talk to their friends and make new ones.

Isolating themselves at a young age is not healthy and not attending school just makes it worse.

Access to Resources and Support

Schools offer a wealth of resources and support services designed to meet the diverse needs of students, including academic tutoring, counseling, and extracurricular activities.

School isn’t just a place to learn academic standards.

It’s a place to be physically active, creative, and to try new things.

Consistent attendance ensures that students can fully access these resources and benefit from the guidance and assistance provided by teachers and support staff.

The reality is that school for some students is a safe place for them to be that is sheltered, heated, and provides a meal too.

Preparation for the Future

School attendance lays the groundwork for future success by equipping students with the knowledge, skills, and qualifications needed to pursue higher education and career opportunities.

Kids learn that they are going to be held accountable in life and that they have to take an active role in their education.

Community and Societal Impact

Educated individuals are more likely to contribute positively to society, both economically and socially.

Reduced absenteeism can lead to higher graduation rates, lower rates of unemployment, and decreased reliance on social welfare programs.

What are the kids going to do if they are not in school?

You guessed it, probably not good things.

I’m Allen, an eighth grade science teacher at a middle school in a Chicago suburb.


I (Allen) am currently teaching at a public school in a western suburb of Chicago. My teaching career started in 2004. Some of my interests outside of teaching is being with my family, biking, playing video games, travelling, and making the Teacher Adviser website.

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