A Guide To Help You Survive Middle School

Becoming an A+ student in middle school is not just about memorizing facts but also about developing effective study habits, time management skills, andstaying out of trouble. I’ve been teaching middle school for several years and I want to share with you what some things you can do to make sure you don’t have any problem during middle school.

Follow Your Schedule

Middle school often introduces students to a more complex schedule with multiple subjects, assignments, and extracurricular activities.

Until middle school most students were with one teacher for the majority of the day.

By the way, if you aren’t exactly sure what middle school is then read this article that I wrote.

They had their core classes with one teacher and may have only gone to another room for subjects like art, physical education, and music.

Middle school can be a shock for students because now they have to follow a schedule and travel from room to room.

One more thing, get to class on time!

Create a Dedicated Study Space

Establish a quiet and comfortable study space free from distractions.

This space can be anywhere you want.

It can be in your room, at a table, or in the living room.

Make sure you let other family members know that it is your study space so they leave you alone.

Make sure you create a routine for completing your homework.

For example, it’s best to do your homework as soon as possible after you get home from school so you no longer have to worry about and have the rest of the day to do other things

Develop Effective Study Habits

One of the best study habits you can create is to do your homework as soon as you can after school.

Also, if you have a study hall or a supervised study during the school day don’t waste it playing games or watching videos.

Use the time to get things done for school so you have less to do later.

Participate Actively in Class

Actively engage in classroom discussions, ask questions, and take notes.

This not only helps you grasp the material better but also lets your teacher know you are listening.

Get the earbuds out of your ears and put the screen down on your laptop.

It’s important to make good habits before high school.

Prioritize Assignments

Understand the importance and deadlines of each assignment.

 Prioritize tasks based on due dates.

By completing assignments on time and putting in your best effort, you not only earn good grades but also develop good habits.

Seek Help When Needed

Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you’re struggling with a concept.

 Whether it’s a teacher, a classmate, or a tutor, there is nothing wrong with seeking some help.

I often encourage my eighth grade students to find a video on YouTube that answers their questions too.

Addressing challenges early on prevents them from snowballing into bigger issues later on.

Practice Healthy Study Habits

Ensure you get enough sleep, eat well, and keep your body active.

Take care of yourself.

Like I mentioned earlier you need to prioritize work and for good study habits that you can take with you into high school and beyond.

Set Realistic Goals

Establish both short-term and long-term academic goals.

Break them down into manageable steps, and celebrate your achievements along the way.

Setting realistic goals provides motivation and a sense of accomplishment.

Stay Away From Trouble

During middle school you will see a lot of peers changing, and some of them are going to go in the wrong direction.

My advice: stay away from them.

Don’t let other kids drag you down.

If you see that someone is causing trouble or is disrespectful stay away from them and look for friends that have goals, morals, and are decent human beings.

Allen is currently teaching 8th grade science in a public school district near Chicago.


I (Allen) am currently teaching at a public school in a western suburb of Chicago. My teaching career started in 2004. Some of my interests outside of teaching is being with my family, biking, playing video games, travelling, and making the Teacher Adviser website.

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