No, student teachers do not get paid. You are not compensated in any way during your student teaching. Student teaching is part of your college education unpaid internship.
Actually, student teachers pay to student teach because student teaching is a requirement to receive a teaching certificate.
I know, it’s not the ideal situation but you have to complete student teaching in order to get your teaching career started.
This means that the college or university you are attending to receive your teaching certificate will place you in a school to student teach and you will be partnered with a teacher in that school during your student teaching.
Student teaching usually last 12 to 18 weeks (depends on your state) so save up your money before you start.
Don’t go into it expecting that you will be able to maintain a job while student teaching.
A lot of student teachers become overwhelmed with the work of being a teacher in training and it’s not recommended you student teach and have another job if you don’t have to.
Trust me, if you have never taught before then you are in for a rude awakening.
I remember getting home from a day of student teaching and I was exhausted!
Student teaching is going to be your job. Don’t feel down though, the rewards of completing student teaching and getting your first teaching job make it well worth it.
What Do You Gain From Student Teaching?
The most important thing you gain (it’s not money) during student teaching is EXPERIENCE.
During student teaching you finally have a chance to step into a real classroom and put to use some of the skills you learned while in school.
Most teachers will tell you that student teaching is your first real test as a teacher. For me it was difficult to adjust to right away because I was no longer reading about best practice, I was expected to execute best practice with real students!
Suddenly you will have real students that you are responsible for and you’ll quickly see that there is way more to teaching than teaching content.
You have to make lesson plans, manage time, behaviors, attend meetings, communicate with parents, and update grades.
For the most part you take on the role of the classroom teacher to get a feel for what it’s like being a teacher.
When Do You Student teach?
You will student teach during your last term/semester and will have to report to your assigned school every day, just like a real teacher.
Student teaching takes place during the regular school day of the school you are assigned, you are the teacher (kind of) under the guidance of your assigned mentor teacher.
The good news is that once you complete student you are well on your way to getting your teaching certificate and starting your career!